The Coronavirus has affected life all over the world and has impacted us in ways we did not expect.

I have been thinking about this for a few days. Then Tom Cavalli of IWINCONTESTS spoke about it on his Facebook Live. Next, I was getting messages from fellow sweepers asking what they should be doing about trips and event-based prizing. I knew I had to make a video and a blog post to share my perspective.

I agree with Tom. Stay the course. Do not change your hobby out of fear. Let me explain.

There is a balance to be had between being cautious and not living in fear. The Coronavirus very rapidly changed the world, and it’s changing daily. My advice is to keep entering sweepstakes as you always have. Win it first and then if it needs to be changed or altered, go with the flow and deal with it at the time.

As Evelyn Ryan said, “That’s a problem for another day.” Do not expend energy worrying about something that has yet to happen.

For example, many who won prizes to March Madness have had their trips canceled. Work with the sponsor. You may get a cash option, be offered tickets for next year or book a trip on a later date, or tickets for a different concert.

Marketers are people too and are no different than you. They may be working from home, worried about family members or struggling with all types of closures and cancelations.

We all are one and this virus is reminding us we are. Live by The Golden Rule and treat others as you would like to be treated or by Ellen’s advice be kind.

It is also important to stay informed.

I listened to a good podcast by Joe Rogan as he interviewed Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease expert. I also like this infographic by Dr. Oz. with the steps you can take to stay healthy. Not just now, but always.


We cannot control the world. We can only control our actions or our reactions to what happens to us. Stay positive and stay safe. This too shall pass.

Are you changing how you enter?