The reason you never hear about sweepstakes success stories is because companies don’t do back-end marketing. Interesting that it’s that same reason some sweepstakes fall apart.
One of the reasons people tell me the don’t enter sweepstakes is, “No one every really wins those things, do they?” If companies followed through on the clause usually found in the rules;
Participation in the contest constitutes permission to XYZ COMPANY and the sponsors and their agencies to use the name, photograph and/or likeness of the winner (and his/her guest) purposes of promotion, advertising, and trade without further compensation.
then more people would see real people win the thousands of promotions, sweepstakes and giveaway prizes awarded every day.
It’s a wonderful marketing cycle when done right. When companies begin to showcase their happy winners, more people will begin to enter their sweepstakes, therefore increasing their marketing ROI (return-on-investment). The sponsors become happier as they see their marketing dollars making a larger impact and engage in an exciting manner with their prospects and customers. The entrants become happier when they have more opportunities to win and engage in exciting manner with the sponsors.
It’s a win-win when companies do back-end marketing, especially when their sweepstakes goes well.
I’ve never won a contest.