I think I am. Which is terrible because as the Contest Queen I believe I should be ahead of the curve. How can I teach you about sweepstakes if I am late to the table?
How I have always approached this hobby is two-fold:
- I always remind myself it only takes one to win, and
- I teach from real-life experience.
I believe it makes me a better teacher because if I trip over all the hazards, I can map out the path making it easier for all that follow me.
This year I have yet to carve out a consistent chuck out of time each day to enter. (It’s one key to winning. Consistency.) Therefore, I came across the current Oreo contest in the grocery store, vs finding it online. I immediately bought two packages. (I am a firm believer in supporting the sponsor.) Before I could submit a guess:
- the cookies were gone! (Hense the online screengrab for a blog post picture, vs my own photo.) And,
- we did detect marshmallow, but couldn’t place the rest.
I have learned in contests like this it’s a good idea to do a bit of online digging, combined with your own research.
Sometimes those that make a guess are wrong and others follow suit. That is most prevalent on social media giveaways.
Oreos are giving clues to help you figure it out. The clues are identical for both countries, so I am assuming the flavor is the same. (Also, from a production and promotional perspective, it’s cheaper to combine both.)
There were A LOT of pre-promotional launch press packages sent out by Mondelēz International (the parent company that owns dozens of brands globally) to the media, especially in the United States. (Just Google ‘oreo cookie mystery flavor sweepstakes’ and see how many results come up!)
Here are links to my two favorite stories with their guesses:
- We Tasted the Mystery OREO Flavor at Bravo HQ and We’re 90% Sure We Have It Right
- We Tried Oreo’s New ‘Mystery’ Flavor and Here’s What We Think It Is
In the United States, you can win $50,000 and in Canada, you can win $25,000.
Did you guess what the flavor was?
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