I have in the past, but this time I didn’t.
Well, a wee bit.
Let me explain.
Turn back the clock to 2004. I won a weekend trip to California to meet Bob Blumer, celebrity chef.
We had an old wonky laptop that wouldn’t always connect to the Internet, load pages, etc. Of course, I took it for the weekend to ensure I got all my daily sweepstakes entries in.
On the first morning, I was up early due to the time change. Craig, my then-husband, was still sleeping. I thought it would be a good time to enter. For the life of me, I couldn’t get the computer working properly. As I became increasingly more frustrated I noticed my hands shaking. Then something in me clicked. I thought, “This was insane.” I was shaking like an addict who needed a fix, all because I couldn’t enter sweepstakes. I got up, grabbed my room key and headed out for a coffee and scone.
It gave me time to think. I realized that if I missed entering for a day, week or month didn’t matter. I was going to win what I was meant to win. There was always going to be another sweepstakes to enter. Not only that, the hobby has grown exponentially since then due to increased online marketing and social media.
Ever since that epiphany, I enter when I can and let the rest go.
That said, it’s never 100% zero. Especially since we all have tiny mobile computers in our hands that accept phone calls.
Last year, after a long dry spell, I finally won a grand prize from all my PIN Code hunting efforts. I never won a big prize from 10+ years of entering codes, and it had also been 10 years since I won a trip.
READ: How Long Would You Wait to Win Big?
Lucky me had won a family trip to Universal Studios.
As I use my phone to take pictures and check my email once in a while, occasionally I will also enter a contest. Mainly via social media. The odd time via text. Entering on a daily basis as I like to do at home doesn’t happen. I consciously try to be present when on such a grand adventure. Not letting the experience pass me by as I look down at my phone.
I work for myself so I always take my netbook, just-in-case. Sure enough, I had to respond to a client quote request. I got up extra early. Worked in the lobby until breakfast and then was free to enjoy my day. Again, being present to the experience, my family, the adventures, etc. I focussed on the business at hand No entering for me.
We had a grand time: Orlando 2019 album on Facebook
When I say, “No, I don’t enter while on vacation.” I mean, “Yes. A wee bit.”
Do you enter sweepstakes when you are on vacation?
Yes, I will enter on vacation if I am up before everyone else & ready for the day or if I cannot sleep at night. but I do not enter during the day, I remain present & enjoy my vacation.