As a marketer, I have been fascinated by how companies have been handling their marketing plans as the pandemic and lockdown spread across Canada and the United States. I blogged about it at the end of March: Cancelled Contests & Delayed Prizing.

I also knew it was only a matter of time …

Someone will win $10,000 for wearing a mask on the streets of New Orleans

From July 20th until August 3rd, if you live in New Orleans and a member if a volunteer from either the Krewe of Red Beans, Krewe of Mayahuel and Lucha Krewe spot you wearing a protective mask, they may reward you with a raffle ticket.

Mask Up Sweepstakes

I am not sure this is the best marketing idea since wearing a mask can be divisive. However, I do give kudos for the volunteers in the New Orleans’ Carnival community and Louisiana Department of Health for coming up with a creative way to get their message across.

Do you think people will wear a mask to win?

P.S. Thanks to Pat for DMing me the article.