Yesterday in my newsletter I shared the first details about the 28th Annual National Sweepstakes Convention that were announced at the Carolina Sweepers Spring Banquet.
WHAT: 28th Annual National Sweepstakes Convention
WHEN: September 23-30 2017
COST: $185 USD registration fee PLUS the cruise:
Inside state room: $643.11 USD per person,
Mid ship: $883.11 USD per person,
Balcony: $903.11 USD per person,
**third person added to a room is $433.11 USD.
WEBSITE: Website won’t be up until July 2016 convention, but the website to purchase cruise tickets will be available on April 30th.
Everyone welcome.
I stated a passport was required. I turns out that’s not 100% true. As it’s a closed loop cruise, as long as you never leave the boat, a passport is not required. But who wants to stay on a boat for a week as it stops at several beautiful Caribbean ports?!
Although my tip is for entering sweepstakes, a passport is always good to have as you never know what adventures may come your way.
TIP: Before you begin entering sweepstakes that offer international travel as a prize, ensure all the people that would be travelling with you have a valid passport. Travel restrictions have become tighter over the past several years, so now many promotions state in the rules you must have a valid passport to enter.
United States
Will you be attending the 2017 convention?
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