I first learned about SweepSheet in 2004 when I began research for my first book.

I had the pleasure of having Sandy Gulliver write the foreword for the American Edition of You Can’t Win If You Don’t Enter, then hanging out with both her and Patty Olsterheld in San Antonio, Texas at the Annual National Sweepstakes Convention in 2008 when Sandy sold SweepSheet to Patti.

Patti & Carolyn, Las Vegas, 2016

Patti & Carolyn | Annual National Sweepstakes Convention | Las Vegas 2016

Even though Patti passed away in 2020, her best friend Christi Rechtsteiner took over and ensured SweepSheet continued.

SweepSheet is 31!

This month they’re celebrating their 31st anniversary. As they enter our 4th decade, they’d love for you to be a part of it.

To celebrate, every active member of SweepSheet as of 11:59p CT on June 30th will be automatically entered into a drawing for a chance to win:

  • The grand prize of $1,000 cash
  • (31) 3-month SweepSheet subscription extensions
  • (31) SweepSheet T-Shirts
  • (31) $10 Gift Cards (your choice of Starbucks, Target, or Walmart)

On top of their anniversary celebration, they’re adding 250+ new sweeps a week to the site. That’s over 1,000 new sweeps every month!

Sign-up or renew your subscription.