In 2020 I achieved my goal of splitting off my sweepstakes marketing services to my other business, IdeaMajesty, and making ContestQueen a teaching platform, I normally don’t talk about the sponsor’s side of the hobby, but since you asked …

Ted commented on yesterday’s blog post: Where Do ‘Sweepers’ Come From?Interesting article. I always wondered how many people entered sweepstakes. Can you share any of your sources for these numbers?

I decided it was time to see if I could find some more recent statistics. I did. These online articles are targeted towards marketers, but it is interesting to know what data companies are using to make sweepstakes marketing decisions.

The statistics I used to quote from were from PromoMagazine, which doesn’t exist anymore. The current stats are still six years old from Chief Marketer:

Marketers spent $113.7 billion on promotional marketing in 2015. Of that, $2.2 billion went to games, contests and sweepstakes, according to the U.S. Brand Activation Marketing Forecast 2016 from the ANA and PQ Media.

Who knows how the pandemic changed those statistics for 2020 and 2021. Will be interesting to look at the statistics from 2015 to 2025 and see the trends and changes across that decade.

Every large digital agency has blog posts and articles outlining trends, tips and tricks to maximize a sponsor’s social sweepstakes. Here are a few examples:

Do not let the numbers deter you from entering. Every single person I know, who has taken the hobby seriously, wins prizes. Someone has to win. Why not you?

What sweepstakes statistic is the most shocking to you?